GRV Media Smashes More Records, Launches New Sites, Talks Acquisitions

GRV Media is pleased to announce that nine of its sports websites hit all-time traffic highs in June.

F1Oversteer, The Golfing Gazette, The Tennis Gazette, Boro News, Leicester City News, Southampton News, Sunderland News, Sheffield Wednesday News and The Wrexham Insider all hit new highs last month. Many other GRV sites enjoyed their best performances for several months. 

John Verrall, GRV Media’s Deputy Global Head of Sport said: ‘The company has had a tremendous June. Revenue came in at its highest level since December 2021, as we reap the benefits from spinning up new websites and recent acquisitions’. 

Dan Coombs, GRV’s Global Head of Sport Content, said: ‘We are not resting on our laurels, and are launching three more websites in July, covering general motorsport, rugby league and rugby union. We have grown headcount to 125, and are also in discussions with a number of parties about website acquisitions’.

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