Five GRV Media Websites Hit Record Monthly Highs in November

GRV Media is pleased to announce that three of its football sites, Arsenal Insider, The Wrexham Insider and We Are Palace hit record traffic highs last month. F1Oversteer also enjoyed a significant traffic increase in November, taking advantage of the final two races of the season towards the end of that month to hit a new monthly traffic high. Celebrity Tidbit also saw record monthly traffic in November.

Lewis Blain, GRV’s Head of Emerging Content & Development, who runs a number of GRV football websites, including Arsenal Insider, The Wrexham Insider and We Are Palace, said: ‘We have spent a lot of time on these three websites, writing good content and engaging with audiences. We have a number of other projects in the pipeline, and are confident that we can continue to grow our football businesses by connecting with fans’.

John Verrall, GRV’s Deputy Global Head of Sports Content, who is responsible for a number of sports websites, said: ‘The success seen by F1Oversteer last month was truly incredible. We are regrouping during the off-season, working hard on our content strategy, hiring key staff and overhauling SEO. We will be ready when F1 teams release their new race cars and testing begins in February’.

Liam Curtis, GRV’s Global Head of Entertainment Content said: ‘It is pleasing to see Celebrity Tidbit growing so quickly, and receiving traffic from a variety of sources. We have been hiring more staff to work on this website, and we think there is a lot of potential for growth in this vertical in 2024’.

Sophie Past