Future-Proofing Advertising in a Post-Cookie World

When we rebuilt the PROP® platform it was with the aim of helping our publishers access new and advanced features for navigating the first party, post-cookie, landscape with no input or technical knowledge required. We wanted to do that without expecting publishers to cede control of their entire website.

For the past 6 months we’ve been generating user IDs and passing these as Publisher Provided IDs to Google and other vendors. This has been done seamlessly and in a secure, compliant and, most importantly, a first party manner. This has been recognised by Google as an industry leading initiative.

Opzet® & a Cookieless Future

Following on from that, for clients with Opzet® enabled, we have been indexing and categorising their content and using this to build contextual audiences. In simpler terms, we know what subjects people are interested in based on what they read and can, in turn, make inferences about the type of person they are. 

The use of these will step up a gear as the third party cookie turn-off nears.

What is Opzet®?

Opzet® is a new tool built by the PROP® tech team. It is designed to democratise complex contextual processes and systems and to make them available to all publishers. Put simply, it helps us understand more about users based on their behaviour and preferences.

These systems are becoming increasingly important as third party cookies are deprecated.

Any clients that don’t have or don’t know if they have Opzet® enabled can contact client support if they would like it turned on. 

We’re now at the stage where the advertising vendors have caught up with GRV’s lead and they’re starting to release features where these contextual signals can be passed programmatically. 

We will shortly start doing that by using the Google Publisher Provided Signals beta and other vendor initiatives. These are designed to help publishers effectively use their first-party and contextual data for improved programmatic advertising monetization during auctions.

This is all preparation work for the full third party cookie turn off and use of these features by vendors, and revenue benefit for us, will be limited initially but puts us in a good position to protect and build revenue through 2023 and 2024.

A Big Thank You!

A quick shoutout to the teams that built these solutions in GRV. In particular they had the foresight to build these products on top of IAB specifications and it’s these that form the basis of the vendor initiatives.

We will be releasing new features using these products as we move through the year so if you have any feedback, please do get in contact with the PROP® support team.

Maya de Paz